Title: | Spatial Uncertainty Propagation Analysis |
Description: | Uncertainty propagation analysis in spatial environmental modelling following methodology described in Heuvelink et al. (2007) <doi:10.1080/13658810601063951> and Brown and Heuvelink (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.06.015>. The package provides functions for examining the uncertainty propagation starting from input data and model parameters, via the environmental model onto model outputs. The functions include uncertainty model specification, stochastic simulation and propagation of uncertainty using Monte Carlo (MC) techniques. Uncertain variables are described by probability distributions. Both numerical and categorical data types are handled. Spatial auto-correlation within an attribute and cross-correlation between attributes is accommodated for. The MC realizations may be used as input to the environmental models called from R, or externally. |
Authors: | Kasia Sawicka [aut, cre], Gerard Heuvelink [aut], Dennis Walvoort [aut], Stefan van Dam [ctb], Damiano Luzzi [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Kasia Sawicka <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.4-0 |
Built: | 2025-03-12 04:42:24 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ksawicka/spup |
Simple check if distribution provided in defineUM() belongs to a list of supported distributions.
object |
Any R object. In defineUM() it is used to examine if selected distribution is in supported list of ditributions. |
Kasia Sawicka
Simple check if class of provided object is Spatial
object |
Any R object. In defineUM() it is used to examine what type of data are delt with. |
Kasia Sawicka
Used internally in genSample() in case of sampling by unconditional gaussian simulation.
crm |
object of a class "SpatialCorrelogramModel", output of makeCRM(). |
To assure equalfinality the sill parameter for spatially correlated random residuals is fixed and standardized to 1.
An object of a class "variogramModel" extending data.frame.
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
Function that uses output of defineUM() to define joint probability distribution for uncertain cross-correlated variables.
defineMUM(UMlist, cormatrix, ...)
defineMUM(UMlist, cormatrix, ...)
UMlist |
a list of uncertain objects creaded in defineUM(). |
cormatrix |
matrix of cross-correlations. |
... |
additional parameters. |
The cormatrix is a square matrix of correlations, dimensionally equal to the number of objects, symmetrical (transposed must be the same as original), diagonal must all be 1 all values must be <-1, +1>) and all eigenvalues must be > 0. The marginal Um objects must have provided id.
Object of a class "JointNumericSpatial" or "JointScalar".
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
set.seed(12345) data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 5000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 5000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") class(TN_UM) soil_prop <- list(OC_UM,TN_UM) mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(soil_prop, matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) class(mySpatialMUM) # scalar scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(1, 2), id="Var1") scalarUM2 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(3, 2), id="Var2") scalarUM3 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 2.5), id="Var3") myMUM <- defineMUM(UMlist = list(scalarUM, scalarUM2, scalarUM3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) class(myMUM)
set.seed(12345) data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 5000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 5000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") class(TN_UM) soil_prop <- list(OC_UM,TN_UM) mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(soil_prop, matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) class(mySpatialMUM) # scalar scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(1, 2), id="Var1") scalarUM2 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(3, 2), id="Var2") scalarUM3 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 2.5), id="Var3") myMUM <- defineMUM(UMlist = list(scalarUM, scalarUM2, scalarUM3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) class(myMUM)
Function that allows to define marginal uncertainty distributions for model inputs and subsequent Monte Carlo analysis.
defineUM( uncertain = TRUE, distribution = NULL, distr_param = NULL, crm = NULL, categories = NULL, cat_prob = NULL, id = NULL, ... )
defineUM( uncertain = TRUE, distribution = NULL, distr_param = NULL, crm = NULL, categories = NULL, cat_prob = NULL, id = NULL, ... )
uncertain |
"TRUE" or "FALSE", determines if specification of Uncertainty Model (UM) is needed. Currently not in use, but provided for furture implementation of contributions analysis. |
distribution |
a string that specifies which distribution to sample from. Only in use for continuos or discrete numerical variables. See Details for a list of supported distributions. |
distr_param |
a vector or a list with distribution parameters. For example, for the normal distribution in case of a spatial variable this must be a map of means and a map of standard deviations. Only in use for continuous or discrete numerical variables. |
crm |
a correlogram model, object of a class "SpatialCorrelogramModel", output of makecormodel(). Can only be specified for numerical variables. |
categories |
a vector of categories. Only in use for categorical (e.g. saved as character) or discrete numerical variables. |
cat_prob |
spatial data frame or raster stack; a list of probabilities for the vector of categories. Number of columns in the data frame cannot be smaller than number of categories. Only in use for categorical (e.g. saved as character) or discrete numerical variables. |
id |
identifier of the variable; only in use if the UM defined here is to be used in defineUM() to construct a joint UM for numerical variables. |
... |
additional parameters. |
If the uncertain object is a spatial object, the distribution parameters or the probabilities for categories must be provided by means of maps, for example if a spatial variable has a normal distribution, a map of means and standard deviations must be provided. If crm is provided and spatial correlation between the residuals is assumed only the normal distribution for residuals is allowed.
If no spatial correlations between residuals is assumed, allowed distributions for marginal uncertainty models are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Parametric probability models allowed in defineUM(). For more details look up ?distribution.
Distribution | Syntax | Parameters | |
beta | "beta" | , ,
binomial | "binom" | ,
Cauchy | "cauchy" | ,
chi-squared | "chisq" | ,
exponential | "exp" |
gamma | "gamma" | ,
geometric | "geom" |
hypergeometric | "hyper" | , ,
log-normal | "lnorm" | ,
negative binomial | "nbinom" | , ,
normal | "norm" | ,
Poisson | "pois" |
Student's | "t" | ,
uniform | "unif" | ,
Weibull | "weibull" | ,
Object of a class "MarginalXxx" that includes all necessary information for creating realizations of the uncertain variable. If provided arguments are: type of the distribution and corresponding parameters, and corresponding parameters are spatial objects - an object of class "MarginalNumericSpatial". If provided arguments are: type of the distribution and corresponding parameters, and corresponding parameters are non-spatial objects - an object of class "MarginalNumericSpatial". If provided arguments are: categories and probabilities, and probabilities are saved in a spatial object - an object of class "MarginalCategoricalSpatial". If provided arguments are: categories and probabilities, and probabilities are saved in a non-spatial object - an object of class "MarginalCategoricalDataFrame".
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
# define uncertainty model for spatial numerical variable data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) class(demUM) # define uncertainty model for spatial categorical variable data(woon) woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) class(woonUM) # define uncertainty model for a variable desribed by a scalar scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "gamma", distr_param = c(1,2)) class(scalarUM) # define uncertainty model for two spatial cross-correlated variables data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") class(TN_UM)
# define uncertainty model for spatial numerical variable data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) class(demUM) # define uncertainty model for spatial categorical variable data(woon) woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) class(woonUM) # define uncertainty model for a variable desribed by a scalar scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "gamma", distr_param = c(1,2)) class(scalarUM) # define uncertainty model for two spatial cross-correlated variables data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") class(TN_UM)
A dataset containing the mean an example Digital Elevation Model.
a SpatialGridDataFrame with 15000 rows and 1 variable:
Digital Elevation Model, in meters
The Zlatibor dataset was kindly provided by Prof. Branislav Bajat from the University of Belgrade, Serbia.
A dataset containing the sd of an example Digital Elevation Model. It was calculated from dem30m using terrain funtion from raster package (opt = 'roughness').
a SpatialGridDataFrame with 15000 rows and 1 variable:
Standard deviation of Digital Elevation Model, in meters
The Zlatibor dataset was kindly provided by Prof. Branislav Bajat from the University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Sampling from a given distribution
distribution_sampling(n, distribution, parameters)
distribution_sampling(n, distribution, parameters)
n |
number of sampling runs |
distribution |
A string describing selected distribution. The same as a part of the string following the "r" in each random variate generation function in ?distributions. |
parameters |
vector of parameters to pass to the random variate generation function after number of observations. |
Sample of random deviates.
Kasia Sawicka
Only used in samplemethod "randomSampling" for MarginalNumericSpatial.
distribution_sampling_raster(distribution, parameters_stack)
distribution_sampling_raster(distribution, parameters_stack)
distribution |
A string describing selected distribution. The same as a part of the string following the "r" in each random variate generation function in ?distributions. |
parameters_stack |
parameters to pass to the random variate generation function after number of observations. |
Sample of random deviates.
Kasia Sawicka
Wrapper function for calling executables in R
filename |
a path with a name to the .exe file to be wrapped here. |
Executable output.
Dennis Walvoort
Sampling from a given distribution
find_strata(p, distribution, parameters, ...)
find_strata(p, distribution, parameters, ...)
p |
a vector of quantiles. |
distribution |
a string indicating which distribution to sample from. See ?defineUM() for Details. |
parameters |
parameters to pass to the appropriate sampling funtion, e.g. mean and sd for "norm" distribution. |
... |
additional parameters. |
Strata of the distribution defined by given quantiles.
Kasia Sawicka, Stefan van Dam
Methods for classes: "MarginalNumericSpatial", "MarginalScalar", "MarginalCategoricalSpatial", "JointNumericSpatial", "JointScalar". Function that runs Monte Carlo simulations depending on the type of uncertain object. Facilitates unconditional Gaussian simulation of errors for spatially auto-correlated residuals, as well as random and stratified random sampling if no spatial auto-correlation is included.
genSample( UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, debug.level = 1, ... )
genSample( UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, debug.level = 1, ... )
UMobject |
an uncertain object to sample from, output of defineUM() or defineMUM(). |
n |
integer, number of Monte Carlo realizations. |
samplemethod |
a string, "ugs", "randomSampling", "stratifiedSampling", "lhs" ("lhs" currently not in use). |
p |
A vector of quantiles. Optional. Only required if sample method is "stratifiedSampling" or "lhs". |
asList |
logical. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as a list. If asList = FALSE returns samples in a format of distribution parameters in UMobject. |
debug.level |
integer; set gstat internal debug level, see below for useful values. If set to -1 (or any negative value), a progress counter is printed. |
... |
Additional parameters that may be passed, e.g. in the "ugs" method. See examples. |
Sampling methods:
"ugs" Unconditional Gaussian simulation of spatially auto-correlated and/or cross-correlated errors.
"randomSampling" Sampling multivariate distribution using eigenvalue decomposition (based on 'mvtnorm' package).
"stratifiedSampling" Number of samples (n) must be dividable by the number of quantiles to assure that each quantile is evenly represented.
"lhs" Not implemented yet. Sampling method for at least two uncertain inputs. The uncertain.object is then a list of two or more. It uses a stratified sampling method to generate inputs for the latin hypercube algorithm.
NOTE. Version 1.3-1 includes bug fixing related to derivation of cross-correlation matrix for multivariate uncertainty propagation analysis.
A Monte Carlo sample of the variables of interest. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as lists.
Kasia Sawicka, Stefan van Dam, Gerard Heuvelink
set.seed(12345) ### ------------------- "MarginalNumericSpatial" ------------------- # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # "ugs" method example dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 2, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 4, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 100, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # "startifiedSampling" method example demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd)) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 5, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 100, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # Examples with rasters # (raster with auto-correlation) data(OC, OC_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) # toy example some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 2, "ugs", nmax = 4) some_sample # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 50, "ugs", nmax = 24) some_sample ## End(Not run) ### ----------------------- "MarginalScalar" ----------------------- # example with normal distribution scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 1)) scalar_sample <- genSample(scalarUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "randomSampling") ### ----------------- "MarginalCategoricalSpatial" ----------------- # load data data(woon) woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10, asList = FALSE) class(woon_sample) str(woon_sample@data) ### -------------------- "JointNumericSpatial" ---------------------- # load data data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) # define marginal UMs OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") # define joint UM soil_prop <- list(OC_UM, TN_UM) mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(soil_prop, matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) class(mySpatialMUM) # sample - "ugs" method # toy example my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 2, "ugs", nmax = 4, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 100, "ugs", nmax = 24, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) ## End(Not run) ### ------------------------- "JointScalar" ------------------------ scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(1, 2), id="Var1") scalarUM2 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(3, 2), id="Var2") scalarUM3 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 2.5), id="Var3") myMUM <- defineMUM(UMlist = list(scalarUM, scalarUM2, scalarUM3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) my_sample <- genSample(myMUM, n = 5, samplemethod = "randomSampling", asList = FALSE) my_sample
set.seed(12345) ### ------------------- "MarginalNumericSpatial" ------------------- # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # "ugs" method example dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 2, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 4, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 100, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # "startifiedSampling" method example demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd)) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 5, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 100, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # Examples with rasters # (raster with auto-correlation) data(OC, OC_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) # toy example some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 2, "ugs", nmax = 4) some_sample # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 50, "ugs", nmax = 24) some_sample ## End(Not run) ### ----------------------- "MarginalScalar" ----------------------- # example with normal distribution scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 1)) scalar_sample <- genSample(scalarUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "randomSampling") ### ----------------- "MarginalCategoricalSpatial" ----------------- # load data data(woon) woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10, asList = FALSE) class(woon_sample) str(woon_sample@data) ### -------------------- "JointNumericSpatial" ---------------------- # load data data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) # define marginal UMs OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") # define joint UM soil_prop <- list(OC_UM, TN_UM) mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(soil_prop, matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) class(mySpatialMUM) # sample - "ugs" method # toy example my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 2, "ugs", nmax = 4, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) # any meaningful Monte Carlo analysis should have normally much larger number of runs ## Not run: my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 100, "ugs", nmax = 24, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) ## End(Not run) ### ------------------------- "JointScalar" ------------------------ scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(1, 2), id="Var1") scalarUM2 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(3, 2), id="Var2") scalarUM3 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 2.5), id="Var3") myMUM <- defineMUM(UMlist = list(scalarUM, scalarUM2, scalarUM3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) my_sample <- genSample(myMUM, n = 5, samplemethod = "randomSampling", asList = FALSE) my_sample
Uncertain objects are described by joint PDF or a list from independent objects. Sampling can be done via three different sampling methods:
## S3 method for class 'JointNumericSpatial' genSample( UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, debug.level = 1, ... )
## S3 method for class 'JointNumericSpatial' genSample( UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, debug.level = 1, ... )
UMobject |
object of a class JointNumericSpatial. Output of defineMUM(). |
n |
Integer. Number of Monte Carlo realizations. |
samplemethod |
"ugs" for spatially cross-correlated errors, "randomSampling" for joint PDF of non-spatial variables, "lhs" if no correlation of errors is considered. |
p |
A vector of quantiles. Optional. Only required if sample method is "lhs". |
asList |
Logical. If TRUE return sample in a form of a list, if FALSE returnsample in a format of distribution parameters. |
debug.level |
integer; set gstat internal debug level, see below for useful values. If set to -1 (or any negative value), a progress counter is printed. |
... |
Additional parameters that may be passed, e.g. in the "ugs" method. See examples. |
"ugs" Unconditional gaussian simulation of spatially cross-correlated errors.
"randomSampling" Sampling multivariate distribution using eigenvalue decomposition (based on 'mvtnorm' package).
"lhs" Not implemented yet. Sampling method for at least two uncertain inputs. The uncertain.object is then a list of two or more. It uses startified sampling method to generate the inputs for the latin hypercude algorithm, hence number of samples (n) must be dividable by the number of quantiles to assure each quantile is evenly represented.
NOTE. Version 1.3-1 includes bug fixing related to derivation of cross-correlation matrix for multivariate uncertainty propagation analysis.
A Monte Carlo sample of the variables of interest. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as lists.
Kasia Sawicka, Stefan van Dam, Gerard Heuvelink
set.seed(12345) # "ugs" method example # load data data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) # Test for SpatialGridDataFrames OC <- as(OC, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') TN <- as(TN, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') OC_sd <- as(OC_sd, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') TN_sd <- as(TN_sd, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') # define marginal UMs OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 5000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 5000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") # define joint UM soil_prop <- list(OC_UM, TN_UM) mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(soil_prop, matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) # sample - "ugs" method # toy example my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 3, "ugs", nmax = 24, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) ## Not run: my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 50, "ugs", nmax = 24, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) ## End(Not run)
set.seed(12345) # "ugs" method example # load data data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) # Test for SpatialGridDataFrames OC <- as(OC, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') TN <- as(TN, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') OC_sd <- as(OC_sd, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') TN_sd <- as(TN_sd, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') # define marginal UMs OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 5000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 5000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") # define joint UM soil_prop <- list(OC_UM, TN_UM) mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(soil_prop, matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) # sample - "ugs" method # toy example my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 3, "ugs", nmax = 24, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) ## Not run: my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 50, "ugs", nmax = 24, asList = TRUE) class(my_cross_sample) ## End(Not run)
Generating sample from cross-correlated variables described by a scalar.
## S3 method for class 'JointScalar' genSample(UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'JointScalar' genSample(UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, ...)
UMobject |
object of a class JointScalar created using defineMUM.R |
n |
integer; number of Monte Carlo runs |
samplemethod |
"randomSampling" or "lhs". |
p |
a vector of quantiles. Optional. Only required if sample method is "lhs". |
asList |
logical. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as a list. If asList = FALSE returns samples in a format of distribution parameters in UMobject. |
... |
Additional parameters. |
Monte Carlo sample of cross-correlated scalar variables.
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
set.seed(12345) scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(1, 2), id="Var1") scalarUM2 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(3, 2), id="Var2") scalarUM3 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 2.5), id="Var3") myMUM <- defineMUM(UMlist = list(scalarUM, scalarUM2, scalarUM3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) my_sample <- genSample(myMUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "randomSampling", asList = FALSE) my_sample
set.seed(12345) scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(1, 2), id="Var1") scalarUM2 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(3, 2), id="Var2") scalarUM3 <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 2.5), id="Var3") myMUM <- defineMUM(UMlist = list(scalarUM, scalarUM2, scalarUM3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) my_sample <- genSample(myMUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "randomSampling", asList = FALSE) my_sample
Generating Monte Carlo sample from an uncertain object of a class 'MarginalCategoricalSpatial'
## S3 method for class 'MarginalCategoricalSpatial' genSample(UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'MarginalCategoricalSpatial' genSample(UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, ...)
UMobject |
uncertain object defined using defineUM(). |
n |
Integer. Number of Monte Carlo realizations. |
samplemethod |
not in use for categorical variables. |
p |
not in use for categorical variables. |
asList |
logical. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as a list. If asList = FALSE returns samples in a format of distribution parameters in UMobject. |
... |
additional parameters |
A Monte Carlo sample of a categorical spatial variable.
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) # load data data(woon) woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10, asList = FALSE) class(woon_sample) str(woon_sample@data) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10) class(woon_sample) # analyse probability of having snow # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # generate dummy probabilities for categories "snow" and "no snow" dem30m$snow_prob <- NA dem30m$snow_prob[dem30m$Elevation > 1000] <- 0.75 dem30m$snow_prob[dem30m$Elevation <= 1000] <- 0.25 dem30m$no_snow_prob <- 1 - dem30m$snow_prob summary(dem30m@data) snowUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, categories = c("snow", "no snow"), cat_prob = dem30m[2:3]) class(snowUM) snow_sample <- genSample(snowUM, 10, asList = FALSE) head(snow_sample@data)
set.seed(12345) # load data data(woon) woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10, asList = FALSE) class(woon_sample) str(woon_sample@data) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10) class(woon_sample) # analyse probability of having snow # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # generate dummy probabilities for categories "snow" and "no snow" dem30m$snow_prob <- NA dem30m$snow_prob[dem30m$Elevation > 1000] <- 0.75 dem30m$snow_prob[dem30m$Elevation <= 1000] <- 0.25 dem30m$no_snow_prob <- 1 - dem30m$snow_prob summary(dem30m@data) snowUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, categories = c("snow", "no snow"), cat_prob = dem30m[2:3]) class(snowUM) snow_sample <- genSample(snowUM, 10, asList = FALSE) head(snow_sample@data)
Function that runs Monte Carlo simulations depending on the type of uncertain object. Facilitates unconditional gausian simulation of errors for spatially auto-correlated residulas, and random sampling, stratified sampling if no spatial auto-correlation is included.
## S3 method for class 'MarginalNumericSpatial' genSample( UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, debug.level = 1, ... )
## S3 method for class 'MarginalNumericSpatial' genSample( UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, debug.level = 1, ... )
UMobject |
uncertain object defined using defineUM(). |
n |
Integer. Number of Monte Carlo realizations. |
samplemethod |
"ugs" for spatially correlated errors, "randomSampling" and "stratifiedSampling" if no spatial correlation of errors is considered. |
p |
A vector of quantiles. Optional. Only required if sample method is "stratifiedSampling" or "lhs". |
asList |
logical. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as a list. If asList = FALSE returns samples in a format of distribution parameters in UMobject. |
debug.level |
integer; set gstat internal debug level, see below for useful values. If set to -1 (or any negative value), a progress counter is printed. |
... |
Additional parameters that may be passed, e.g. in the "ugs" method. See examples. |
"ugs" Unconditional gaussian simulation of spatially auto-correlated errors.
"stratifiedSampling" Number of samples (n) must be dividable by the number of quantiles to assure each quantile is evenly represented.
"lhs" Sampling method for at least two uncertain inputs. The uncertain.object is then a list of two or more. It uses startified sampling method to generate the inputs for the latin hypercude algorithm, hence the p is restricted as above.
A Monte Carlo sample of uncertain input of a class of distribution parameters.
Kasia Sawicka, Stefan van Dam, Gerard Heuvelink
set.seed(12345) # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # "ugs" method example dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 2, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 6, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # "startifiedSampling" method example demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd)) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 5, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # Examples with rasters # (raster with auto-correlation) data(OC, OC_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) # toy example some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 3, "ugs", nmax=6) some_sample ## Not run: some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 50, "ugs", nmax=20) some_sample ## End(Not run)
set.seed(12345) # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # "ugs" method example dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 2, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 6, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # "startifiedSampling" method example demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd)) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 5, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5) str(dem_sample) ## End(Not run) # Examples with rasters # (raster with auto-correlation) data(OC, OC_sd) OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") class(OC_UM) # toy example some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 3, "ugs", nmax=6) some_sample ## Not run: some_sample <- genSample(OC_UM, n = 50, "ugs", nmax=20) some_sample ## End(Not run)
Function that runs Monte Carlo simulations for MarginalScalar class objects.
## S3 method for class 'MarginalScalar' genSample(UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'MarginalScalar' genSample(UMobject, n, samplemethod, p = 0, asList = TRUE, ...)
UMobject |
uncertain object defined using defineUM(). |
n |
Integer. Number of Monte Carlo realizations. |
samplemethod |
"randomSampling" or "stratifiedSampling". |
p |
A vector of quantiles. Optional. Only required if sample method is "stratifiedSampling". |
asList |
logical. If asList = TRUE returns list of all samples as a list. If asList = FALSE returns samples in a format of distribution parameters in UMobject. |
... |
Additional parameters. |
"stratifiedSampling" Number of samples (n) must be dividable by the number of quantiles to assure each quantile is evenly represented.
A Monte Carlo sample of uncertain input of a class of distribution parameters.
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) # Example 1 scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 1)) scalar_sample <- genSample(scalarUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "randomSampling") # Example 2 scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "beta", distr_param = c(10, 1, 2)) scalar_sample <- genSample(scalarUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5)
set.seed(12345) # Example 1 scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(10, 1)) scalar_sample <- genSample(scalarUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "randomSampling") # Example 2 scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "beta", distr_param = c(10, 1, 2)) scalar_sample <- genSample(scalarUM, n = 10, samplemethod = "stratifiedSampling", p = 0:5/5)
Function to find the level of list nesting
List |
an object of class 'list'. |
an integer; level of list nesting
Kasia Sawicka
a <- list(1,2) list_depth(a) a <- list(list(1, 2), 3) list_depth(a)
a <- list(1,2) list_depth(a) a <- list(list(1, 2), 3) list_depth(a)
Function that generates a spatial correlogram model, an object of class "SpatialCorrelogramModel".
makeCRM( acf0 = 1, range = NA, model, anis, kappa = 0.5, add.to, covtable, Err = 0 )
makeCRM( acf0 = 1, range = NA, model, anis, kappa = 0.5, add.to, covtable, Err = 0 )
acf0 |
Aurocorrelation function value at distance near 0. Default is 1. Must fall in interval [0,1]. |
range |
Range parameter of the correlogram model component. |
model |
Model type, e.g. "Exp", "Sph", "Gau", "Mat" that vgm() accepts. See ?gstat::vgm() for more #' details. |
anis |
Anisotropy parameters. See ?gstat::vgm() for more details. |
kappa |
Smoothness parameter for the Matern class of variogram models. See ?gstat::vgm() for more #' details. |
add.to |
See ?gstat::vgm() (currently not in use) |
covtable |
See ?gstat::vgm() (currently not in use) |
Err |
Numeric. See ?gstat::vgm() for more details. |
For the spatial variables allowed autocorrelation functions are listed in Table 4.1 of the gstat manual. Spatial correlation assumes stationarity, i.e. correlation depends only on the separation distance between points in space. Anisotropy is allowed. No nested models are allowed in the current version.
An object of a class "SpatialCorrelogramModel". This is a list collating provided arguments.
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
mycormodel <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.8, range = 300, model = "Exp") str(mycormodel)
mycormodel <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.8, range = 300, model = "Exp") str(mycormodel)
Calculates mean from MC realizations for each location in a map.
mean_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
mean_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
realizations |
MC sample saved in SpatialGridDataFrame. |
... |
additional parameters. |
SpatialGridDataFrame; a mean of a MC sample.
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_mean <- mean_MC_sgdf(dem_sample)
set.seed(12345) # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_mean <- mean_MC_sgdf(dem_sample)
A dataset containing the mean of soil OC content from 0-30 cm layer.
a RasterLayer with dimensions : 134, 135, 18090 (nrow, ncol, ncell), resolution : 250, 250 (x, y).
ISRIC soilgrid information. HENGL, T., MENDES DE JESUS, J., HEUVELINK, G. B. M., RUIPEREZ GONZALEZ, M., KILIBARDA, M., BLAGOTIC, A., SHANGGUAN, W., WRIGHT, M. N., GENG, X., BAUER-MARSCHALLINGER, B., GUEVARA, M. A., VARGAS, R., MACMILLAN, R. A., BATJES, N. H., LEENAARS, J. G. B., RIBEIRO, E., WHEELER, I., MANTEL, S. & KEMPEN, B. 2017. SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLOS ONE, 12, e0169748.
A dataset containing the standard deviation of soil OC content from 0-30 cm layer.
a RasterLayer with dimensions : 134, 135, 18090 (nrow, ncol, ncell), resolution : 250, 250 (x, y).
ISRIC soilgrid information. HENGL, T., MENDES DE JESUS, J., HEUVELINK, G. B. M., RUIPEREZ GONZALEZ, M., KILIBARDA, M., BLAGOTIC, A., SHANGGUAN, W., WRIGHT, M. N., GENG, X., BAUER-MARSCHALLINGER, B., GUEVARA, M. A., VARGAS, R., MACMILLAN, R. A., BATJES, N. H., LEENAARS, J. G. B., RIBEIRO, E., WHEELER, I., MANTEL, S. & KEMPEN, B. 2017. SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLOS ONE, 12, e0169748.
Plots correlogram model
## S3 method for class 'SpatialCorrelogramModel' plot( x, distance = 1, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Correlation", ... )
## S3 method for class 'SpatialCorrelogramModel' plot( x, distance = 1, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Correlation", ... )
x |
Object of class "SpatialCorrelogramModel" as created by makeCRM(). |
distance |
minimum distance between locations (unit should correspond with the unit of the range parameter in makeCRM()). |
ylim |
the y limits of the plot. |
xlab |
a title for the x axis. |
ylab |
a title for the y axis. |
... |
additional parameters. |
plot of correlogram model
Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
mycormodel <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.8, range = 300, model = "Exp") plot(mycormodel, distance = 1)
mycormodel <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.8, range = 300, model = "Exp") plot(mycormodel, distance = 1)
Print method for class "template."
## S3 method for class 'template' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'template' print(x, ...)
x |
Object of class "template". |
... |
additional parameters. |
Template file content.
Dennis Walvoort
A function that runs a model repeatedly with Monte Carlo samples of uncertain inputs.
propagate(realizations, model, n, ...)
propagate(realizations, model, n, ...)
realizations |
a list where each element is a single Monte Carlo realizations if only one parameter/variable is considered uncertain; a list of such lists if more than one parameter/variable is considered uncertain. |
model |
model that is written as a function in R. |
n |
number of Monte Carlo Runs. |
... |
any further arguments that the model takes. |
Model output Monte Carlo realizations.
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) ## continuous spatial data example with a single variable # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # Slope model Slope <- function(DEM, ...) { require(raster) require(purrr) demraster <- DEM %>% raster() demraster %>% terrain(opt = 'slope', ...) %>% as("SpatialGridDataFrame") } # uncertainty propagation dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 3, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20) slope_sample <- propagate(dem_sample, model = Slope, n = 3) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20) slope_sample <- propagate(dem_sample, model = Slope, n = 50) ## End(Not run) ## categorical spatial data example # load data data(woon) # tax model tax <- function(building_Function) { building_Function$tax2pay <- NA building_Function$tax2pay[building_Function$Function == 1] <- 1000 building_Function$tax2pay[building_Function$Function == 2] <- 10000 building_Function$tax2pay[building_Function$Function == 3] <- 10 total_tax <- sum(building_Function$tax2pay) total_tax } # uncertainty propagation woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10) class(woon_sample) tax # the model takes SpatialGridDataFrame with a column called "Function" for (i in 1:10) names(woon_sample[[i]]) <- "Function" tax_uncert <- propagate(realizations = woon_sample, n = 10, model = tax) tax_uncert <- unlist(tax_uncert) summary(tax_uncert) ## cross-correlated example # load data data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) # C/N model C_N_model_raster <- function(OC, TN) { OC/TN } # define marginal UMs OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") # define joint UM mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(list(OC_UM, TN_UM), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) # sample - "ugs" method # toy example my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 3, "ugs", nmax = 24) class(my_cross_sample) # run propagation CN_sample <- propagate(realizations = my_cross_sample, model = C_N_model_raster, n = 3) CN_sample ## Not run: my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, 50, "ugs", nmax = 24) class(my_cross_sample) # run propagation CN_sample <- propagate(realizations = my_cross_sample, model = C_N_model_raster, n = 50) CN_sample ## End(Not run)
set.seed(12345) ## continuous spatial data example with a single variable # load data data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) # Slope model Slope <- function(DEM, ...) { require(raster) require(purrr) demraster <- DEM %>% raster() demraster %>% terrain(opt = 'slope', ...) %>% as("SpatialGridDataFrame") } # uncertainty propagation dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) # toy example dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 3, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20) slope_sample <- propagate(dem_sample, model = Slope, n = 3) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20) slope_sample <- propagate(dem_sample, model = Slope, n = 50) ## End(Not run) ## categorical spatial data example # load data data(woon) # tax model tax <- function(building_Function) { building_Function$tax2pay <- NA building_Function$tax2pay[building_Function$Function == 1] <- 1000 building_Function$tax2pay[building_Function$Function == 2] <- 10000 building_Function$tax2pay[building_Function$Function == 3] <- 10 total_tax <- sum(building_Function$tax2pay) total_tax } # uncertainty propagation woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)]) woon_sample <- genSample(woonUM, 10) class(woon_sample) tax # the model takes SpatialGridDataFrame with a column called "Function" for (i in 1:10) names(woon_sample[[i]]) <- "Function" tax_uncert <- propagate(realizations = woon_sample, n = 10, model = tax) tax_uncert <- unlist(tax_uncert) summary(tax_uncert) ## cross-correlated example # load data data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd) # C/N model C_N_model_raster <- function(OC, TN) { OC/TN } # define marginal UMs OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph") OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC") TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph") TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN") # define joint UM mySpatialMUM <- defineMUM(list(OC_UM, TN_UM), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.7,1), nrow=2, ncol=2)) # sample - "ugs" method # toy example my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, n = 3, "ugs", nmax = 24) class(my_cross_sample) # run propagation CN_sample <- propagate(realizations = my_cross_sample, model = C_N_model_raster, n = 3) CN_sample ## Not run: my_cross_sample <- genSample(mySpatialMUM, 50, "ugs", nmax = 24) class(my_cross_sample) # run propagation CN_sample <- propagate(realizations = my_cross_sample, model = C_N_model_raster, n = 50) CN_sample ## End(Not run)
Calculates mean from MC realizations for each location in a map.
quantile_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
quantile_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
realizations |
MC sample saved in SpatialGridDataFrame. |
... |
additional parameters. |
SpatialGridDataFrame; quantiles of a MC sample
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_quantile <- quantile_MC_sgdf(dem_sample, probs = c(0.1, 0.9)) ## End(Not run)
set.seed(12345) data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_quantile <- quantile_MC_sgdf(dem_sample, probs = c(0.1, 0.9)) ## End(Not run)
Rendering is the process of replacing the tags in moustaches by text. For this, we provide a set of render-methods. See the 'whisker' package (or https://mustache.github.io) for more information.
render(x, ...)
render(x, ...)
x |
an object of class "character" or "template". |
... |
additional parameters. |
Rendered character template or a file on disk.
Dennis Walvoort
require(magrittr) require(whisker) # render character string my_template <- "Hello {{name}}. How are you doing?" my_template %>% render(name = "Winnie the Pooh") # render table my_template <- c( "| x | y |", "|---|---|", "{{#MY_TABLE}}", "| {{X}} | {{Y}} |", "{{/MY_TABLE}}") my_table <- data.frame(X = 1:5, Y = letters[1:5]) my_table my_template %>% render(MY_TABLE = unname(rowSplit(my_table))) %>% cat
require(magrittr) require(whisker) # render character string my_template <- "Hello {{name}}. How are you doing?" my_template %>% render(name = "Winnie the Pooh") # render table my_template <- c( "| x | y |", "|---|---|", "{{#MY_TABLE}}", "| {{X}} | {{Y}} |", "{{/MY_TABLE}}") my_table <- data.frame(X = 1:5, Y = letters[1:5]) my_table my_template %>% render(MY_TABLE = unname(rowSplit(my_table))) %>% cat
Rendering is the process of replacing the tags in moustaches by text.
## S3 method for class 'character' render(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'character' render(x, ...)
x |
an object of class "character". |
... |
additional parameters. |
Rendered character template.
Dennis Walvoort
require(magrittr) require(whisker) # render character string my_template <- "Hello {{name}}. How are you doing?" my_template %>% render(name = "Winnie the Pooh") # render table my_template <- c( "| x | y |", "|---|---|", "{{#MY_TABLE}}", "| {{X}} | {{Y}} |", "{{/MY_TABLE}}") my_table <- data.frame(X = 1:5, Y = letters[1:5]) my_table my_template %>% render(MY_TABLE = unname(rowSplit(my_table))) %>% cat
require(magrittr) require(whisker) # render character string my_template <- "Hello {{name}}. How are you doing?" my_template %>% render(name = "Winnie the Pooh") # render table my_template <- c( "| x | y |", "|---|---|", "{{#MY_TABLE}}", "| {{X}} | {{Y}} |", "{{/MY_TABLE}}") my_table <- data.frame(X = 1:5, Y = letters[1:5]) my_table my_template %>% render(MY_TABLE = unname(rowSplit(my_table))) %>% cat
Rendering is the process of replacing the tags in moustaches by text.
## S3 method for class 'template' render(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'template' render(x, ...)
x |
an object of class "template", a model input file with additional extension ".template". |
... |
additional parameters. |
Rendered template file.
Dennis Walvoort
Calculates sd from MC realizations for each location in a map.
sd_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
sd_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
realizations |
MC sample saved in a SpatialGridDataFrame. |
... |
additional parameters. |
SpatialGridDataFrame; a sd of a MC sample.
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_sample_sd <- sd_MC_sgdf(dem_sample) ## End(Not run)
set.seed(12345) data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_sample_sd <- sd_MC_sgdf(dem_sample) ## End(Not run)
Facilitates uncertainty propagation analysis using Monte Carlo methods. In particular, provides functions that allow to do uncertainty analysis with spatial variables/models.
Kasia Sawicka
Stratified sampling for spatial variables
stratsamp(n, distribution, parameters, p)
stratsamp(n, distribution, parameters, p)
n |
sample size per stratum. |
distribution |
a string, distribution type to sample from. |
parameters |
given distribution parameters. |
p |
a vector of quantiles. |
Sample of spatial variable. Matrix with n rows and length(p)-1 columns.
Stefan van Dam, Kasia Sawicka
Class that stores all templates with model inputs. The aim of this class is to: 1. organise model input files; 2. perform some checks.
filenames |
a string, a name of the model input file. |
A template is a model input file with: 1. the additional extension '.template'. 2. input that needs to be modified is replaced by mustache-style tags.
An object of a class "template".
Dennis Walvoort
A dataset containing the mean of soil TN content from 0-30 cm layer.
a RasterLayer with dimensions : 134, 135, 18090 (nrow, ncol, ncell), resolution : 250, 250 (x, y).
ISRIC soilgrid information. HENGL, T., MENDES DE JESUS, J., HEUVELINK, G. B. M., RUIPEREZ GONZALEZ, M., KILIBARDA, M., BLAGOTIC, A., SHANGGUAN, W., WRIGHT, M. N., GENG, X., BAUER-MARSCHALLINGER, B., GUEVARA, M. A., VARGAS, R., MACMILLAN, R. A., BATJES, N. H., LEENAARS, J. G. B., RIBEIRO, E., WHEELER, I., MANTEL, S. & KEMPEN, B. 2017. SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLOS ONE, 12, e0169748.
A dataset containing the standard deviation of soil TN content from 0-30 cm layer.
a RasterLayer with dimensions : 134, 135, 18090 (nrow, ncol, ncell), resolution : 250, 250 (x, y).
ISRIC soilgrid information. HENGL, T., MENDES DE JESUS, J., HEUVELINK, G. B. M., RUIPEREZ GONZALEZ, M., KILIBARDA, M., BLAGOTIC, A., SHANGGUAN, W., WRIGHT, M. N., GENG, X., BAUER-MARSCHALLINGER, B., GUEVARA, M. A., VARGAS, R., MACMILLAN, R. A., BATJES, N. H., LEENAARS, J. G. B., RIBEIRO, E., WHEELER, I., MANTEL, S. & KEMPEN, B. 2017. SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLOS ONE, 12, e0169748.
Calculates var from MC realizations for each location in a map.
var_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
var_MC_sgdf(realizations, ...)
realizations |
MC sample saved in SpatialGridDataFrame. |
... |
additional parameters. |
SpatialGridDataFrame; a variance of a MC sample.
Kasia Sawicka
set.seed(12345) data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_var <- var_MC_sgdf(dem_sample) ## End(Not run)
set.seed(12345) data(dem30m, dem30m_sd) dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp") demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm) ## Not run: dem_sample <- genSample(UMobject = demUM, n = 50, samplemethod = "ugs", nmax = 20, asList = FALSE) dem_var <- var_MC_sgdf(dem_sample) ## End(Not run)
Calculate variance covariance matrix
varcov(sd_vector, cormat)
varcov(sd_vector, cormat)
sd_vector |
vector of standard deviations. |
cormat |
correlation matrix. |
Variance-covariance matrix.
Kasia Sawicka
vc <- varcov(c(1,2,3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) vc
vc <- varcov(c(1,2,3), matrix(c(1,0.7,0.2,0.7,1,0.5,0.2,0.5,1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) vc
Convert vgm to crm
vgm2crm(vgm, psill, nugget, range, model, kappa = 0.5, Err = 0)
vgm2crm(vgm, psill, nugget, range, model, kappa = 0.5, Err = 0)
vgm |
See ?vgm |
psill |
See ?vgm |
nugget |
See ?vgm |
range |
See ?vgm |
model |
See ?vgm |
kappa |
See ?vgm |
Err |
See ?vgm |
Spatial correlogram model - standardised parameters of spatial variogram model
Kasia Sawicka
The 'woon' object is a SpatialPolygonDataFrame where each building is represented by one polygon.
a SpatialPolygonDataFrame with 723 polygons and 7 variables:
number of addresses present in the building
residential area, in percent
assigned category depending on vbos and woonareash - for residential is 1, for offcie is 2, for other is 3
probability that the building is residential
probability that the building is an office
probability that the building has other function
check if probabilities sum to 1
Kadaster, NL.